PROGRAM: Scholarships of up to
One student will be chosen from the biological-biomedical sciences and the other from the behavioral-social sciences. It is important that the applicant clearly mark the appropriate category on the application form and submit appropriate supporting documentation.
CRITERIA FOR ELIGIBILITY: The recipients graduate students concentrating their scholarly efforts on the topic of aging, i. e., biological aspects of the aging process; sociological concomitants of aging; the treatment of diseases of the elderly; the care of the aged; other topics related to aging.
The recipients must have completed the first year of a graduate program and be in their second year of graduate work, or beyond, at the University of Illinois while the scholarships are held.
Recipients must enroll full time for at least one semester of the academic year for which the award is made in order to be eligible for the award.
Recipients will be students judged to be outstanding by the selection committee. Among the criteria utilized by the committee are: research that is novel and/or high impact, well defined, and significantly far along; publications in reviewed journals as first author; strong recommendations (required); and academic qualifications.
APPLICATION FOR NOMINATION: Students may apply or be nominated for this award. The following materials must be submitted, in addition to the application form, prior to consideration of the candidate.
- A written statement (limited to 2 double-spaced pages using 1-inch margins and 12-point font) by the candidate explaining his or her interest in the field of aging and research plans for pursuing this field of study. Applicants are advised that the awards committee is comprised of scholars with diverse expertise in biological and behavioral fields of aging. Competitive research statements avoid jargon to clearly communicate the innovation and potential impact of the proposed research to scholars with broad expertise in aging.
- Transcripts of all completed undergraduate and graduate work.
- Three letters of recommendation, two of which must come from faculty members who have first-hand knowledge of the candidate's work as a graduate student. If applicant is in the first year of graduate school, the letters of reference used to gain admission to the graduate program may be used. If in the second year or beyond, new letters must be obtained. Letters from fellow graduate students are rarely helpful.
NOTIFICATION OF AWARD: Notification of the recipients will be made by the President of the University of Illinois or the President's designee. Public announcement of the recipients will accompany their acceptance of the scholarship.
Winners will be announced in early November
If you have questions, please contact
University Academic Programs and Services
University of Illinois System
(217) 333-2030